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Webhook Settings ​

Webhook integration offers the capability to handle three distinct events within the system:

  • Form Submitted: Triggered immediately after the system receives and processes a form submission, providing real-time notification of new data entries.

  • Form Updated: Activated upon the successful update of a form, enabling the seamless integration of modified information into the connected system or application.

  • Form Deleted: Initiated following the deletion of a form, ensuring that associated processes are informed and updated accordingly, allowing for synchronized data management.

To effectively manage any of these events, setting up a webhook is essential. This involves utilizing either GET or POST request types, with the following parameters requiring specification:

  • URL Endpoint (Required): Define the specific URL where the webhook request should be directed, ensuring seamless communication with the designated endpoint.

  • Extra Data in Request (Optional, JSON Format): Include additional data within the request, if needed. This data will later be converted to either a form body or query parameters, depending on the request type you choose (GET or POST). This flexibility allows you to seamlessly integrate specific details, such as the form ID, ensuring the transmitted information aligns with your preferred request format.

  • Extra Data in Headers (Optional, JSON Format): Optionally, furnish extra data within the headers of the request. This could encompass essential details like an authorization key, ensuring secure and authenticated communication between systems.

By configuring these elements, you tailor the webhook to your specific requirements, facilitating the transmission of event-related information accurately and efficiently.

Webhook Setup ​

webhook setup

"form_service": "headlessforms",
"form_id": "d8MLAam465"

Extra Data in Headers (JSON Format):

"api-key": "_token_"

Server Request Example:

Upon receiving submissions, HeadlessForm will trigger the "Form Submitted" event, resulting in the following server request example:

webhook request

"form_service": "headlessforms", 
"form_id": "d8MLAam465" 
  • Headers Section:
"api-key": "_token_" 