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API - POST Validation Parameters ​

You can set validation rules right into submission request!
Add the parameters described below to your request body.

_validation ​

Here you can send a list of validation rules. Validation rules are sent as object with field name as key and array of validation rules as value.

  "_validation": {
    "email": [
    "name": [

Available validation rules ​

RuleDescriptionDefault Message
requiredField is requiredThe :attribute field is required.
emailAccept a valid email address onlyThe :attribute must be a valid email address.
stringAccept any textThe :attribute must be a string.
min:nAccept a string with >=n characters or numeric value >=nThe :attribute must be at least :min characters.
max:nAccept a string with <=n characters or numeric value <=nThe :attribute may not be greater than :max characters.
numericAccept only numeric charactersThe :attribute must be a number.
dateAccept date stringThe :attribute is not a valid date.


If you include validation rules in your request, they override your form validation rules if any are set up!

_validation_messages ​

Optionaly you can customize the validation messages for each field and validation. In the message you can work with placeholders starting with ":".

    "_validation_messages": {
      "email": {                                // Field name
        "type": "Incorrect email address",      // Rule followed by Validation Message
        "required": "Missing custom :attribute attribute!"

_validation_behavior ​

Determines validator behaviour.


Ignored if '_validation' object is not passed

Available options ​

validate_and_return (Default) ​

If validation fails validation errors are returned and submission is not saved.

validate_and_save ​

The submission is stored anyway. If validation fails the submission is marked as invalid and validation errors are stored in meta data.

Examples with validation rules ​


    "email": "",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "_validation": {
    	"email": [
    	"name": [
    "_validation_messages": {
    	"email": {
    		"type": "Incorrect email address",
    		"required": "Missing custom :attribute attribute!"
    	"name": {
    		"required": "You forget to enter :attribute",
    		"max":  "Should be maximum :max letters"
    "_validation_behavior": "validate_and_return" // Possible values: 'validate_and_return', 'validate_and_save';
                                                  // Default value: 'validate_and_return';
                                                  // Ignored if '_validation' object is not passed


curl --location --request POST '{FORM_TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "email": "",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "_validation": {
    	"email": [
    	"name": [
    "_validation_messages": {
    	"email": {
    		"type": "Incorrect email address",
    		"required": "Missing custom :attribute attribute!"
    	"name": {
    		"max":  "Should be maximum :max letters",
    		"required": "You forget to enter :attribute"
    "_validation_behavior": "validate_and_return"

Possible Responses ​

Success (200 OK)
  "message": "Submission Stored",
  "error": null,
  "status": 200,
  "data": []
Validation Error (422 Unprocessable Entity)
    "status": 422,
    "error": "Validation Failed",
    "message": "Error",
    "data": {
        "email": [
                "type": "Incorrect email address",
                "required": "Missing custom email attribute!"
        "name": [
                "max": "Should be maximum 10 letters",
                "required": "You forget to enter name"